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Apprentice / Student Three Scissor Kit – Blue Titanium Coated


The perfect Apprentice / Student Scissor Kit has been created by Zen Master Scissors. Accepted in all colleges/cosmetology schools around the world, this kit provides you with everything you’ll need to get you started with cutting in the wonderful world of hairdressing. Learn to cut like a professional with our ergonomically and anatomically designed 5.5″ scissors and 6″ texturizer. Perfect for stabilizing your Hand to alleviate the fumbling stage out of learning cutting. Perfectly suited for learning to cut on mannequin heads. Also included is a 6.25″ scissor for learning men’s cutting and solid form. Bonus items include a carbon comb, razor, scissor necklace, oil bottle and cleaning cloth all in a beautiful luxury case. Great value for a great beginning.

The perfect Apprentice/Student Scissor Kit has been created by Zen Master.
Accepted in all Hairdressing Colleges around the world as THE Kit that provides you with everything you’ll need to get you started with cutting in the wonderful world of hairdressing. Learn to cut like a professional with our ergonomically and anatomically designed scissors and texturizers. This set is designed to withstand the rigors of cutting mannequin hair and capable of all styles of cutting. The kit includes:

  • 5.5″440C Blue Titanium Coated cutting scissors (left Hand also available)
  • 6″ 440C, 40 teeth texturizers Blue Titanium Coated (left Hand also available)
  • 6″ 440C blunt cutting scissors (left Hand also available)
  • Feather/Styling Razor (black or pink)
  • Anti static – heat resistant – carbon comb
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Oil
  • Luxurious leather case

Black Razor, Pink Razor


Left Hand Scissor, Right Hand Scissor